"Traceability is the ability to trace the history, application or location of an item or activity, by means of recorded identification".
"This involves two major aspects: first, identification of the product by marking and, secondly, the existence of recording data related to this product on a support which itself has traceability. We distinguish ascending traceability which allows to trace the origin of the product at all stages of the process, and backward traceability that lets you know the destination of the product at all times. "
(ISO 8402 Standards, Quality management and quality assurance - Vocabulary)
"Traceability is the ability to trace the history, implementation or location of what is examined."
(Draft Forest Management Standard adapted for Cameroon, Ref. RFNT 010,012, Version 0.2 pe, Eurocertifor, April 2005)
"The chain of custody is the" continuous monitoring of forest products and wood-based in their operation, transportation, processing and in the distribution chain, from forest to final consumer." The type of traceability system to develop differs depending on whether one takes the scale of a company or a State."
(ISO 9000, Quality Vocabulary)
"A chain of custody is the path taken by raw materials from the forest to the consumer through all stages of packaging, processing, manufacturing and distribution."
(Audit manual for the implementation of the principles, criteria and indicators ATO / ITTO sustainable management of natural tropical forests of Africa - Forest Management Unit Level, ITTO, ATO, September 2005)
Pallisco and CIFM Directorate informed their clients in 2004 on the traceability system put in place. [Go to page "Customers News"]