Since its presence in Cameroon, PALLISCO followed all the evolution of the forest management: the development of the legal, environmental and fiscal framework, the evolution of the local and national context, the awareness of the international community on forest issues, the increasing requirements of the global timber market.
Due to the new regulatory measures added into the forest legislation and the international Agreements adopted by Cameroon at the end of 1990s for sustainable management of its forest massif, the forest resource in Cameroon is managed and exploited by private enterprises according to these measures.
For a private enterprise, the sustainable development initiative concerning the requirements that it implies to stand out beyond the national legislation is voluntary (no legal bond).
Having chosen that, the application of the sustainable development principle has incidences on all the functions and services of the company. This commitment of the Direction is structured and formalized by the implementation of internal policies*.
* Policy: "Orientations and general intentions of a body, such as they are officially formulated by the Direction".
Within the framework of its certification process, the company has formalized its vision in the following manner:
- Policy of commitment to OLB certification
- Policy of commitment to FSC® certification
- Wood procurement policy
- Environmental policy
- Health, Safety and Security Policy
- Social Policy
- Policy to fight against HIV-AIDS
- Policy to promote non-discrimination on the basis of sex and gender
- Policy against harassment in the workplace
- Policy against corruption in the workplace
- Ethics Charter
Afterward and given that Pallisco and CIFM companies were FSC certified since 2008, a continuous improvement policy for responsible management was organized. This policy comes to strengthen and update the commitments taken in the FSC certification commitment. Click here to download the document.
Recognizing that the industrial operations of forestry development have an impact on the production forests fauna, noticing that, due to their important surfaces, the forest concessions play a dominating role in the conservation of the forest ecosystem and, subscribing to the principle of sustainable management of forest resources to the advantage of the future generations, Pallisco and CIFM companies took the commitment to manage in a responsible way the fauna of the forest massif which was assigned to them through a management policy of the fauna. Click here to download the document.
The implementation of these in-service policies is realized through communication and documentation intended to the entire staff.
Hiring policies
Staff Training policies
Policies for the fight against illegal activities carried out in FMUs
Indigenous Peoples policies
Integration of Research Results policies
Development policies for alternatives to bushmeat consumption