La Forestière de Mbalmayo / SODETRAN-CAM
La Forestière de Mbalmayo and SODETRAN-CAM companies are the first partners of Pallisco and CIFM companies: PALLISCO exclusively exploits the forest resources of the forest titles allocated to these companies by a notarised subcontract validated by the Cameroonian administration in charge of forests. These partners benefit from the work experience of Pallisco regarding forest development, logging operations and wood industrial processing.
[ Go to page Forest resource ]
Nature+ (Belgium)
Initié en 2004, le partenariat avec Nature+ a concerné les aspects suivants:
- Appui technique de la Cellule d´aménagement Pallisco pour la réalisation des trois plans d´aménagement des massifs forestiers gérés par Pallisco (2004 à 2008);
- Identification et suivi des Forêts à Haute Valeur pour la Conservation (2008 à 2010);
- Activités de recherche scientifique menées dans les concessions gérées par Pallisco (2006 à nos jours)
Depuis 2008, Nature+ appuie Pallisco dans son programme d´appui à la régénération des essences forestières exploitées. Cet appui est réalisé au travers de reboisements de trouées forestières ainsi que par des reboisements en plein dans les zones de forêts les plus dégradées.
[ See presentation of partner Nature+ ]
Link to website :
FORTROP (Belgium)
Pallisco company and Laboratory of Tropical and Subtropical Forestry of the University Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of Gembloux (called FORTROP) decide to formalize their collaboration due to common interest in education and scientific research on forest management by Collaboration agreement in January 2006 for the provision of a permanent expert on forestry schemes and cross-training of their staff.
[ See presentation of partner FORTROP. ]
Link to website :
ZSL (United Kingdom)
Pallisco signs, in April 2008, a partnership agreement with the "Zoological Society of London (ZSL) in the context of the implementation of the "Wildlife Wood Project" project in Cameroon. This collaboration aims monitoring animal populations, the development of a concerted program of wildlife management, strengthening local capacity and Pallisco staff (training).
This partnership allowed the signature of the Strategic Plan for Wildlife Protection by PALLISCO and CIFM companies in December, 2012.
[ See the project WWP brochure. ]
Link to website :
TEREA (Gabon, France)
Dans le cadre du programme FORAFAMA financé par le FFEM/AFD, porté par le CIFOR et mis en oeuvre par différents bureaux d´étude dont TEREA pour le Cameroun, la société Pallisco a été identifiée comme projet REDD+ pilote potentiel au niveau national.
Suite à la convention signée avec TEREA le 5 août 2011, le projet permettra de :
Sur la base des données existantes, identifier et évaluer les bénéfices en termes de réduction d´émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) des bonnes pratiques mises en oeuvre par la concession porteuse de projet afin de les promouvoir dans le cadre de la REDD+;
Préparer les parties prenantes au futur mécanisme international ;
Evaluer les apports au mécanisme REDD+ de la certification FSC sur la base d´un exemple concret local ;
- A partir de ces premiers résultats, identifier et évaluer la faisabilité financière des possibilités d´optimisation des différentes pratiques dans le cadre du REDD+.
GIZ / GFBC (Cameroon)
Pallisco and CIFM companies formalize in March, 2007 their commitment for the implementation of the Public Private Partnership project ( PPP ) for the fight against HIV-AIDS in the forest sector. Jointly led by the German Cooperation in Cameroon GIZ and the Grouping wood industry labor union of Cameroon ( GFBC), this project aims at raising awareness of the company managing staff and the entire workers on the various impacts of the HIV / AIDS. It is a question of decreasing the risks of infection, assuring the care of the employees, and reducing the economic losses for the company connected to the disease.
Ce partenariat s´est achevé fin décembre 2013.
[ See the partner brochure. ]
[ See an example of partner communication to the employees of the company. ]
PPECF / GFBC (Cameroun)
Le PPECF Programme de Promotion de l’Exploitation Certifié des Forêt appui le syndicat Groupement Filière Bois du Cameroun (GFBC) pour la lutte contre le VIH-SIDA dans le secteur forestier.
Initialement projet Partenariat Public Privé (PPP) Piloté conjointement par la Coopération allemande au Cameroun GIZ et le syndicat Groupement Filière Bois du Cameroun (GFBC). Ce projet vise la sensibilisation des directions d´entreprise et de l´ensemble du personnel sur les différents impacts du VIH/SIDA. Il s´agit de diminuer les risques d´infection, d´assurer la prise en charge des employés, et de réduire les pertes économiques de l´entreprise liées à la maladie.
International Labour Office (Cameroon)
Pallisco and CIFM companies sign in May 2006 a memorandum of cooperation with the International Labour Organization (ILO Cameroon) under the Education Program on HIV / AIDS in the workplace. The objective of this education project is to mitigate the epidemic´s impact in company through the implementation of a HIV / AIDS policy through educational, training and information services in the company.
This partnership was completed in late December 2008.
SILVA (France)
PALLISCO signs in February 2007 a cooperation agreement with the association Silva (France) to participate in environmental education project of the International Network of Tropical Trees (RIAT) proposed to young students of Mindourou schools (location of forest and industrial site of Pallisco and CIFM companies).
[ See presentation of partner SILVA. ]
[ See the project RIAT brochure. ]
Link to website :
FAO (Italy / Cameroon)
Palisco company signs in October 2006 a Letter of agreement with FAO for its participation in the project "Sustainable Management of Non Wood Forest Products (NWFP) in forest concessions in Cameroon." The goal is to promote the sustainable management of forest concessions in Central Africa through the development integrating timber and non timber resources. The project is jointly funded by Pallisco, FAO and WWF, and contributes to the implementation of Forest and Environment Sector Programme (PSFE) of the Government of Cameroon.
The partnership ended with the publication of "Sustainable Management of NTFPs in the Pallisco forest concession. (Pilot study on logging techniques No. 24, late 2008)
[ See the presentation of the partner - French version.. ]
[ See the presentation of the partner – English version. ]
Link to website :
SRZA- ULB- PGS (Belgium)
Pallisco signs in February 2003 a protocol of collaboration with the Centre for Scientific Research and Conservation (CRSC) of the Royal Society of Antwerp Zoo (SRZA, Belgium). Through this partnership, a biologist at the Free University of Brussels (ULB) is conducting a PhD study which aims to better understand the effects of human activities related to logging on wildlife and to propose measures of operating practices to reduce negative effects.
This partnership was completed in June 2008 (submission of thesis).
[ See the presentation of the partner. ]
[ See the list of the partner public presentations. ]
Link to website SRZA :
Link to the CRC website :