At the end of 1998, PALLISCO Directorate decides to structure compared to the environmental problems at local level and especially to his employees. A series of meetings of awareness is carried out to the staff of the company by involving local agencies, village leaders and also local authorities (meetings of 12.11.1998, 01.06.1999 and 07 / 01/1999). This voluntary initiative marks the entrance of PALLISCO company in its internal approach for sustainable management of resources.
With his experience gained since 1998 in this approach, PALLISCO brings new elements to define its approach on sustainable management:
- Sustainable management of forest is a collection of resources and forest products to the needs of today without reducing the capacity of recovery of production capital and the value of its products for future generations (operation cycle or rotation).
- The development plan is the document that plans in time and space all the operations and interventions to be carried in the timber concession during the duration of his assignment to ensure the economic and social viability.
- Participatory management is to involve communities, individuals or groups in one or more activities in the management of a timber concession, including the making and implementation of the plan (forest, wildlife, social and environmental parts).
"Sustainable and participatory forest management led to the management of the forest by a development plan: it is an analysis of the forest potential and of the socio-economic aspect to fix short, medium and long term goals, and also the determination of all interventions desirable for a fixed period, to ensure that a current timber production, a recreation of the resource, environmental and social balance."
Definition presented by PALLISCO at the workshop "Assessment and regional summary of the study on the assessment and analysis of partnership experiences in forest management in the Congo Basin", Douala from 29 to 31 July 2003.
PALLISCO and CIFM companies work for a sustainable development of their economic activities by the sustainability of its forest resources, environmental protection, an appropriate industrial development and a strategy of specialized partnerships.