

A voluntary approach since 1998

Environmental concerns are at the centre of PALLISCO activities since several years, taking into account the following actions :
- First meeting of staff awareness concerning environmental issues with surrounding villages and local authorities (11/12/1998, 06 and 07/01/1999);
- Integration of the poaching ban in the bylaws of the company (October 1999);
- Attending the first meeting of the Provincial Committee of the fight against poaching (24/05/2002);
- Rescue of a young orphan chimpanzee (23/10/2002); Participation in the study of primates and logging with the ULB SRZA (2002-2007) partnership
- participation à l´étude sur les grands primates et les activités d´exploitation forestière avec le partenariat ULB-SRZA (2002-2007) - [ Go to this page ] ;
- Support for environmental measures with the partnership on the project "Partnership Network for Sustainable Management of Forests in Central Africa" (2003-2005) - [ Go to this page ].


An Environmental Policy

To guide its activities on the environmental component, the Directorate has embarked on long-term guidances set through its Environmental Policy created on 25/04/2006.

The implementation of this policy is ensured by :
- HSE Service (management of industrial and household waste),
- The wildlife component of the management Unit (activities of fight against poaching, environmental education, monitoring of illegal activities). Download posters of awareness campaigns  Download poster of protected animals
- The follow-up and evaluation service (insuring the conformity of exploitation operations with responsible management commitments related to the certification and the legal prescriptions)

Diversified environmental activities

PALLISCO and CIFM Environmental component is also in the realization of diverse activities for a better global view and the participation of all staff :

1) An investment program :
Investments are made in various constructions in the context of work and living environment for employees to reduce pollution and minimize negative impacts on the environment.

2) Low Impact Logging (LIL) methods:
Training of logging teams (felling, skidding, creation and closure of log yards in the forest) improves the competence of the teams and reduces damage related to logging activities.

3) Fully protected areas in the forest concession:
As part of the implementation of the management plans, areas of integral protection of biodiversity have been defined: logging is totally prohibited in these areas. These zones represent a total of 56,699 ha for the entire concession (7 FMUs), i.e. approximately 15% of the total area.

4) Rescue operations for protected species :
When necessary, PALLISCO actively participates to rescue animals in danger with the contribution of agencies specialized in the protection and recovery of orphans.
- Rescue of "Zimbo," a young male chimpanzee (23/10/2002);
- Rescue of "Nona", a young female gorilla (28/09/2005).

5) Afforestation :
Under the FORTROP partnership and use of the nursery (established in 2002), scientific planting tests have been carried out in different models. An additional partnership with NATURE+ provides an ongoing technical support on a large-scale afforestation program in the forest of the concession. [ Go to this page ]

6) Alternatives to hunting To reduce pressure on wildlife :
Due to traditional hunting and poaching, different alternatives have been carried out successively in the company: poultry farm, fish pond and commissary.


Internal action plan and monitor activities

PALLISCO and CIFM voluntary approach about internal evaluation and improvement of its level on all its activities has led the Directorate to implement and monitor an internal action plan.

A specific action plan for environmental measures is also implemented and followed. Information is available on "Monitoring". [ Go to this page ]


An Environmental Management Plan

In conformity with national legislation on the environment, PALLISCO and CIFM Directorate launches the implementation of Environmental Impact Audits in December 2007 under the new guidelines (March 2005) of the Ministry for the Environment in Cameroon (MINEP).

These studies will lead to the implementation of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). [This activity is currently under conduction]

After approval of the EMP by MINEP, the Certificate of Environmental Compliance will be issued to Pallisco and CIFM companies.   [ Go to certificats  ]

All these actions carried out and measures in place to reduce impacts on the environment contribute to the issue annually of "Certifications of compliance with environmental measures" by the Ministry in charge of Environment in Cameroon (MINEP) for exploited logging titles (FMU).


List EIES reports

Grouped FMU EIES reports 10 030 and 10 031
FMU EIES report 10 039
Grouped FMU EIES reports 10 041, 10 042 et 10 044
FMU EIES report 10 047b
Sawmill EIES report
PGES FMU Implementation Certificate 2nd Semester 2020
PGES Sawmill Implementation Certificate 2nd Semester 2020